How to Slice Brisket Like a Texan

brisket cut perfectly

If you want to know how to slice brisket like a good ol Texan, let us walk you through some basics.

What is a Brisket?

Beef brisket is a large cut of meat from the breast or the lower chest of a cow. It is a popular meat cut for barbecuing, smoking, and slow cooking, and it is a staple in many traditional cuisines. Understanding the brisket is essential to slicing it properly. A brisket is a tough cut of meat that requires slow cooking at a low temperature to break down the collagen and connective tissues, making it tender and juicy. The brisket is composed of two muscles, the flat and the point, which have different textures and require different cooking times and methods.

Different Types of Brisket

Choosing the right brisket is crucial for achieving a flavorful and tender result. When selecting a brisket, look for meat that has a good amount of marbling, which will provide flavor and tenderness. The meat should also have a consistent color and texture, without any discoloration or blemishes.

There are different types of brisket, including grass-fed, grain-fed, and wagyu, which have different flavor profiles and textures. It is essential to choose the right type of brisket based on your cooking method and desired flavor.

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Tools required for slicing a brisket

knife set for selecting the right knife to slice a brisket

Choosing the Right Knife

Choosing the right knife is crucial when it comes to slicing brisket. A good brisket knife should have a long and narrow blade, allowing for smooth and even slices. Look for a knife with a blade length of around 10-12 inches, which is ideal for slicing through the thickness of the brisket. The best all-around knife for slicing brisket is the Smoke Kitchen 12″ Meat Slicing Knife, while the Victorinox 12 Inch Granton Edge Slicing Knife is a close runner-up. These knives have a sharp edge and a comfortable grip, making it easy to slice through the meat with precision.

Honing and Sharpening the Knife

Honing and sharpening the knife is also an essential step in preparing to slice brisket. Honing the knife helps to realign the blade’s edge, while sharpening helps to remove any dullness or nicks. To hone the knife, use a honing steel, which is a long, narrow metal rod. Hold the steel vertically and place the blade against it at a 20-degree angle. Applying slight pressure, draw the knife down the steel, moving it completely across as if you’re trying to shave a thin layer off the steel. Sharpening the knife can be done using a sharpening stone or an electric sharpener. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the specific sharpening tool you are using.

Other Essential Tools

Other essential tools for slicing brisket include a cutting board, a meat fork, and a pair of kitchen shears. A cutting board with a groove around the edge can help to catch any juices that may run off the brisket. A meat fork is useful for holding the brisket in place while slicing, while kitchen shears can be used to trim any excess fat or connective tissue before slicing. It is important to note that slicing knives and trimming knives are two different tools, and both are essential for slicing brisket. By having all the necessary tools on hand, you can ensure that your brisket is sliced with precision and ease.



Preparing the brisket for slicing

how to slice brisket by cutting brisket against the grain

Trimming the Fat

Before slicing a brisket, it is essential to trim any excess fat. Trimming the fat helps to ensure that the meat is not overly greasy and that the slices are more visually appealing. To trim the fat, use a sharp knife to remove any large, thick pieces of fat from the surface of the brisket. Be careful not to remove too much of the fat, as it helps to keep the meat moist and flavorful during the cooking process. Once the fat has been trimmed, the brisket can be rested to allow the juices to redistribute throughout the meat.

Resting the Brisket

When it comes time to slice the brisket, it is important to position it correctly. The brisket should be placed on a cutting board with the fat cap facing up. This allows for easier slicing and provides a visual guide for the direction of the grain. To slice the brisket, use a sharp, flexible knife. Begin by slicing against the grain, starting at the point end of the brisket. Cut the brisket into slices that are about ¼ inch thick. Be sure to slice the brisket firmly but gently to avoid tearing the meat. As you slice, move the knife back and forth in a sawing motion to ensure a clean cut.

Positioning the Brisket for Slicing

Once the flat has been sliced, it’s time to harvest the burnt ends and slice the point. Cut the point section in half lengthwise to avoid ending up with small, uneven slices. Slice the point against the grain into pieces that are about ¼ inch thick. When slicing the point, be sure to remove any excess fat or gristle. With these steps, you can slice a brisket with ease and precision, creating delicious, tender slices of meat that are sure to impress your guests.

Basic techniques for slicing a brisket

slicing brisket techniques on cutting brisket against the grain

The Grain of the Meat

When it comes to slicing a brisket, it’s essential to understand the grain of the meat. The grain refers to the lines of muscle fibers running through the meat, and it’s crucial to identify the direction of the grain before starting to slice. Slicing against the grain will result in more tender and flavorful slices while slicing with the grain can make the meat tougher and chewier. To find the grain, look for the long lines of muscle fibers on the surface of the brisket, which should be running parallel to each other. Once you’ve identified the grain, you can begin to slice the meat.

Slicing Against the Grain

Slicing against the grain is the key to achieving tender and flavorful brisket. To do this, you’ll need to cut perpendicular to the direction of the grain. This will help to break up the muscle fibers and make the meat more tender. It’s important to maintain a consistent thickness of slices to ensure that each piece is cooked evenly and has the same texture. For thicker slices, use a sawing motion to cut through the meat, while thinner slices can be cut with a smooth, fluid motion.

Consistent Thickness of Slices

Consistency in slice thickness is crucial when it comes to slicing brisket. To achieve this, it’s helpful to use a sharp knife and maintain a steady hand. Start by slicing off a thin piece of meat at the end of the brisket to create a flat surface. From there, you can begin to slice the meat against the grain, aiming for slices that are about ¼ inch thick. As you work your way through the brisket, be sure to adjust your angle and pressure to maintain a consistent thickness of slices. By following these techniques, you can slice a brisket that’s both tender and delicious.

Advanced techniques for slicing a brisket

cut brisket

The Burnt Ends

One of the most coveted parts of a brisket is the burnt ends, which are the flavorful, caramelized pieces of meat that come from the point end of the brisket. To achieve the perfect burnt ends, start by separating the point from the flat. Next, cube the point and return it to the smoker or grill to cook for an additional 1-2 hours, until the pieces are tender and caramelized. Once done, remove the burnt ends from the smoker and serve as a tasty appetizer or side dish.

Slicing the Point and Flat

When it comes to slicing the point and flat of the brisket, it’s important to pay attention to the grain of the meat. Begin by slicing the flat against the grain, which will result in tender, easy-to-eat pieces. To slice the point, first cut it in half lengthwise to avoid small slices. Then, rotate the point 90 degrees and slice against the grain for maximum tenderness. By following these techniques, you can ensure that each slice of brisket is perfectly cooked and easy to eat.

Serving Presentation

The presentation of a brisket can make all the difference when it comes to impressing guests and showcasing your culinary skills. To serve, slice the brisket into thin, uniform pieces using a sharp, serrated knife. Arrange the slices on a platter or serving dish, taking care to fan them out for an attractive display. Consider garnishing with fresh herbs or a sprinkle of finishing salt for an added touch of flavor and elegance. With these tips, you can elevate your brisket slicing and presentation skills to the next level.

Tips and tricks for slicing a brisket

tips from the chef in the kitchen

Practice and Patience

Slicing a brisket can be a daunting task, but with practice and patience, anyone can master the technique. It’s important to use a long slicing knife, such as the Smoke Kitchen 12″ Slicing Knife, to avoid scraping off the bark. Begin by slicing against the grain, starting at the flat end of the brisket. Remember to take your time and make clean, consistent slices. Don’t rush the process, as this can lead to uneven slices and a less enjoyable eating experience.

Maintaining Consistency

Maintaining consistency is key when slicing a brisket. Try to keep the slice thickness consistent at around 1/8″ and cut it within +/- 10 to 15 degrees of ideal. This will help ensure that each slice has the same texture and flavor, making for a more enjoyable eating experience. It’s also important to maintain consistency in the angle at which you slice the brisket, as this can affect the texture and tenderness of the meat.

Proper Storage and Reheating

Proper storage and reheating can make a significant difference in the quality of sliced brisket. If you need to freeze the brisket, it’s best to slice it before freezing. Let it rest and cool while it’s still whole to keep it juicy, and add leftover juices to the container before freezing. Alternatively, you can slice the brisket and store it in a container with meat juices to keep it moist. When reheating, try to do so slowly and at a low temperature to prevent the meat from drying out. By following these tips and tricks, you can ensure that your sliced brisket remains juicy and flavorful, even after reheating.

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  1. What Is Brisket? Point & Flat Explained. (n.d.) Retrieved September 16, 2023, from
  2. Brisket Flat Cut vs. Point Cut: What’s the Difference?. (n.d.) Retrieved September 16, 2023, from

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